cause cold
chills me to the bones
tag please
sulaihaxzs says hi
Im Siti Sulaiha Bte Kamsani.Turning a year older every 21st december.
Im nonsensical, noisy, but not adorably entertaining
What makes my life awesome is the great life tht shapes me
i lurvee ANDIEKA ♥, my AWESOME SDFS and PC gangmates.
life's more better if u colour it with blue and fill it with chocolates
affiliates diyanah sabrina fariza afifah haiekal awwabin muzaqkir azimah khairunnisa mufiidah ahhbean naniee irfan iman ahamd afiq ardiyono zaki darsuni zulfiqar farid miramiramira |
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 @ 6:54 AM
currently studying... While studying just now my realtives came and i freezed for like for 10 seconds due to the shock. I was sitting like an apek at coffee house while eating kuih and studying. Could you imagine? And my door was open damn wide. paiseh man... then made drinks for them. the funy think is that the drink is not sweet and tasteless. my nenek say da expired tu pasal rase lain but air expired in just 2 weeks??? nenek ape je la. she was in a rush to find her tudung that she wore it the other way round. Funny... sunday went to study with zallie. mepek toot eh budak tu. it was a hard time teaching him la. Copy question also wrong. Hahaaa. Cute but definitely clumsy. i;m prepared for exams but im not confident. teach me to be confident someone? ): |