cause cold
chills me to the bones
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sulaihaxzs says hi
Im Siti Sulaiha Bte Kamsani.Turning a year older every 21st december.
Im nonsensical, noisy, but not adorably entertaining
What makes my life awesome is the great life tht shapes me
i lurvee ANDIEKA ♥, my AWESOME SDFS and PC gangmates.
life's more better if u colour it with blue and fill it with chocolates
affiliates diyanah sabrina fariza afifah haiekal awwabin muzaqkir azimah khairunnisa mufiidah ahhbean naniee irfan iman ahamd afiq ardiyono zaki darsuni zulfiqar farid miramiramira |
Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 9:31 PM
soo everyone's going raya cept me and fam. how it feels nice to be in the olden days where everything were just alright.. okay so lets talk bout the sweet things first. sweetest thing today IM STAYING HERE TILL NEXT YEAR AFTER O'S! tuesday: went out alone. diyanah dont feel bad bout this, cos i know what u are facing ryte now. soo went to my fav. place where i usually went when i feel like letting things out. and i cried alot there cos i realise tht things arent sweet for long in my life. spend time there for 5 hours alone. i dint want to go home cos i know dad is coming back and that it isnt gonna be pleasant. so yeah. asked zul along but yeah, he's ever busy. well i understand. then went to lot 1 to meet brother and went home straight. like a waste of time. and we went home walking somemore. urrgh. thats not the sweetest thing at all. wednesday: went to work. reach like 30 mins early and got free cheesecake. then workwork saw murni eat my workplace so yeah. i actually talked to her while working. then made for her drink but drank some. haahaaa. sdp kn... then saw the guys who was there . then when murni finish her food i continued talking to her.. hahaa. the manager was kind tht he dint mind at all. then after work get free cheesecake again then homed. thursday:went vivo early in the morning. met nab, murni and afifah at cck. suppose to met 1130 but we end up boarding the bus at 12+. went there for job interview. reached there waited for afifah's aunt then mus came. me dint want to apply actually cos afterall i have a job already. but just went in case i get like some opp. soo the others went for the job cept me and mus. then went to ripcurl shop and off to eat. after eating and laughing and talking, took 188 to shuhadah's house for movie marathon. 188 is a real roller coaster ride. soo anyone who wants real fun ride just take 188 to and fro. reached shu's house late arnd 4+ and the movie started and when i was about to see, the movie ended like this, a man got killed and the woman got shot. that's all tht i know. no background info at all. then went down to the pasar malam to get food. funny man. people are really noisy there especially the indian guy and the apek. iffah, ameera, shu and me were laughing like mad. had lots of fun. then went up to continue the marathon. watch papadom, paranormal activity (the one tht i saw at before), wujud (the xtras only). then went lot 1 to find shu's mum present. went bodyshop but too over budget.went bhg but nothing intresting. then went courts and decided on water heater. then went minitoons to wrap it. thn home. the bitter sweet things second soo, i get to text him this days. he has like kinda be more contactable. and the sweet thing to me is that he want to meet me yesterday. the bitter thing is that he wants to meet at 8 a.m at his place, macpherson. i've never woke up earlier thn 11. at most 10+. soo i said i cant. ahh, feel so sad tht i cant meet him. told him to make it at night or mayb evening but thn he's busy . he's becoming sweeter and funny this days. hope he's always like this. today, dint have any sms from him cos i know he mayb busy. cos yeah today's hari raya. i hope he would be like this more often. ps: those stories bout you, i hope it aint true cos u've promised me. and i've sacrificed for you.
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